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Minnesota Public Radio presents The Fertility Race Part Six: Two Men and a Baby by Stephen Smith

Two Men and a Baby
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SOME DOCTORS IN THE UNITED STATES are using procedures developed to treat infertility in an unexpected way: they're helping gay male couples have children of their own. In many parts of the country, it can be difficult or impossible for gay men to adopt newborns. But with the aid of a surrogate mother and in vitro fertilization, a baby can be genetically related to at least one of the fathers. In some cases, both men share genetic traits with the child. (Note: some of the names in the story have been changed to protect privacy.)

Lucas and Mark Make a Baby
Meet Lucas and Mark, a gay couple who hope to have a baby together.
Twin Controversies
Fertility specialists face ethical - not technical - questions in assisting gay couples.
A Growing Trend
While unconventional, more gay male couples are considering having a child of their own.

June 11, 1998

[NPR] height= [MSNBC]

[CPB] [Kaiser Family Foundation]

Major funding for "The Fertility Race" is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, with additional support from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.