November 1, 2000
The presidential candidates are covering a lot of physical territory during
the last days of the campaign, and their ads are highly visible on
television. But radio still provides the most affordable way of
delivering specific political messages. And with what appears to be the
closest presidential race in 40 years, airwaves in the swing states are
awash with ads, most aimed at narrow audiences.
The intent is not to change
minds on the issues, but to remind supporters to get out and vote on
election day. Listen as NPR's Don Gonyea samples some of the political plugs
heard on the radio.
Trade Retreats as Election Issue
November 1, 2000
Despite loud protests a year ago when the World Trade Organization met in
Seattle, and a bitter debate in Congress over normalizing trade with China,
the topic of free trade hasn't really been featured in the campaign for the White
House. In fact, labor leaders who bitterly disagreed with Vice President Al
Gore's support for opening up international trade agreements are still
backing him for president.
They believe Democrat Gore would do more to
protect U.S. workers from the effects of the new trade deals than would
Gore's Republican opponent, Texas Gov. George W. Bush. Listen as NPR's
Kathleen Schalch reports for Morning Edition about trade issues and
the campaign.
Education Proposition Could Transform California Schools
October 31, 2000
Mark Keppel High School is literally crumbling into chunks just outside of Los Angeles.
There are gaps in the walls. The pipes are corroded. There are only two indoor
bathrooms for 2,000 students. And the computer room has so few electrical
outlets that the circuits break two or three times a school period. California voters
are considering two initiatives this election season that could dramatically
change Mark Keppel High School and the state's other public schools.
A voucher
plan is getting the most attention, but Proposition 39 may prove more significant
for California's six million students. The proposition would change the way money
is raised and distributed for education, potentially pumping much-needed cash
into the devastated schools. Listen as NPR's Robert Smith reports on Morning Edition.