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Core Knowledge Curriculum
"Dedicated to excellence and fairness in early education, the Core Knowledge Foundation is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1986 by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., a professor at the University of Virginia and author of many acclaimed books including Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know and The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them. The foundation conducts research on curricula, develops books and other materials for parents and teachers, offers workshops for teachers, and serves as the hub of a growing network of Core Knowledge schools."

Education Minnesota
Minnesota's teachers union official Web site.

Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning
A complete section explaining the graduation standards. It provides a starting point for lots of information on the standards.

Office of Educational Accountability
An agency at the University of Minnesota which tracks standards and issues yearly report.

Maple River Education Coalition.
The leading opponents of the Profile of Learning.

Minnesota Initiative Supporting Standards-based Learning and Education (MISSLE)
MISSLE is a grassroots organization of community leaders who see excellence and equity in education as the natural outcome of Minnesota's commitment to student learning.

Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation supports research, publications, and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondary education reform, as well as significant education reform projects in Dayton, Ohio and vicinity. It has released a report, The State of Standards, in which Minnesota receives mostly E's and F's for its 1998 review.

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